Fabio Viola

Fabio Viola

Fabio Viola is a university lecturer, author of essays, and video game designer. At the age of 22, he founded his first start-up and worked with Electronic Arts Mobile, Vivendi Games, and other international video game companies on iconic titles such as Fifa, The Sims, and Harry Potter. Fabio Viola studies the impacts of gaming in everyday life and has helped introduce the logic of gamification in companies and public bodies. He is considered one of the most influential gamification designers in the world. Moreover, he has described the new logic of involvement in texts such as “L’Arte del Coinvolgimento” (Hoepli 2017) and the forthcoming essay “L’Era Della Cultura Interattiva”. Fabio Viola is the coordinator of the gaming area at the International School of Comics in Florence and founder of TuoMuseo, an artists’ collective specializing in operations to enhance cultural heritage through video games. His latest productions include Father and Son for the National Archaeological Museum of Naples with over 4.5 million downloads, A Life in Music for the Teatro Regio of Parma, and The Medici Game for the Uffizi. He is currently a game designer for Fondazione Alghero with a multi-year project on the game infrastructure of the city.