Alghero Quest Box (hereafter ‘AQB’) is a physical game of urban storytelling and exploration, revolving around the journey of two old friends. 

Who are these friends? Why did they come to Alghero? What did they discover during their stay there? 

The game players will be able to relive these friends’ adventures, solving riddles and treasure hunts. The experience is based on a bizarre box containing various strange tools: cards, ciphers, a wheel and more. During the exploration, the box will be used to collect clues and to record a player’s progress on a map, which at the end of the journey will become a physical diary of the tourist’s experience.

  • Analog Game

  • Developed by:

    Stefano Grande, Michele Bellone, Francesca Gatti

  • Available in:

    Archeological Museum – Nuragic Site of Palmavera – Historic Centre

  • Italy

Games Requirements

  • Targeted players:

    Families - young adults +14

  • Box with a game book, special tools, cards and a magic wheel
