The game consists of an illustrated guide with riddles to solve. The game includes a kit which consists of a booklet with illustrations, Captain Smyth’s sketchbook, maps, puzzles, an archaeological find, and investigation tools. Retracing the steps of Captain Smyth, the player will have to explore Alghero, in search of elements to decipher. Only once you have discovered the solutions of all the riddles the player will be able to decipher the final enigma, which reveals the mystery behind Captain Smyth secret about Alghero.
Analogic Game
Developed by:
Adele Giacoia and Sergio Vernagallo – subgrantees recipient under MED GAIMS project
Available in:
Urban Fortification – Historical Centre of Alghero
Games Requirements
Analog game composed by an illustrated sketchbook, a map, and investigative tools
Targeted players:
Travelers, families with children, young adult